Latest episodes

315: Join the federation?! Mastodon awaits...
The Changelog,
314: Kubernetes brings all the Cloud Natives to the yard
The Changelog,
313: Ballerina – the first cloud native programming language
The Changelog,
312: Segment's transition back to a monorepo
The Changelog,
311: Istio service mesh and microservices
The Changelog,
310: Open sourcing the DEV community
The Changelog,![Jeff Robbins is an actual rockstar [rebroadcast]](,height=240,fit=cover,gravity=auto,format=auto/
Jeff Robbins is an actual rockstar [rebroadcast]
The Changelog,
309: Rebuilding Exercism from the ground up
The Changelog,
308: Biases in AI, helping veterans get jobs in software, open science
The Changelog,
307: AWS Amplify and cloud-enabled apps
The Changelog,
306: The Great GatsbyJS
The Changelog,![305: Putting AI in a box at MachineBox [rebroadcast]](,height=240,fit=cover,gravity=auto,format=auto/
305: Putting AI in a box at MachineBox [rebroadcast]
The Changelog,
304: The impact of AI at Microsoft
The Changelog,
303: Programmable infrastructure with Kurt Mackey
The Changelog,
302: Computer Science without a computer
The Changelog,
301: Python at Microsoft with Steve Dower and Dan Taylor
The Changelog,
300: Corporate interests in open source and dev culture
The Changelog,
299: Curl turns 20, HTTP/2, and QUIC
The Changelog,
298: The beginnings of Microsoft Azure
The Changelog,
297: Prisma and the GraphQL data layer
The Changelog,
296: Burnout, open source, and Datasette
The Changelog,
288: Live coding open source on Twitch
The Changelog,
287: Truffle framework and decentralized Ethereum apps
The Changelog,
286: JavaScript sprinkles in Basecamp turned Stimulus
The Changelog,
285: We couldn’t afford an Oculus so we built one
The Changelog,
284: Moore's Law and High Performance Computing
The Changelog,
283: Devhints - TL;DR for Developer Documentation
The Changelog,
282: The Impact and Future of Kubernetes
The Changelog,
281: Gitcoin: Sustaining Open Source with Cryptocurrency
The Changelog,