Developer Tea

Latest episodes

Adding tests to a big untested codebase - Where do I start?

Adding tests to a big untested codebase - Where do I start?

Developer Tea,
5 Tips for Improving Your Principles of Experimentation

5 Tips for Improving Your Principles of Experimentation

Developer Tea,
Visualize Your Goals in Details

Visualize Your Goals in Details

Developer Tea,
Expectations vs. Reality

Expectations vs. Reality

Developer Tea,
Interview w/ Ben Orenstein (pt. 2)

Interview w/ Ben Orenstein (pt. 2)

Developer Tea,
Interview w/ Ben Orenstein (Part 1)

Interview w/ Ben Orenstein (Part 1)

Developer Tea,
Interview w/ Michael Chan (pt. 2)

Interview w/ Michael Chan (pt. 2)

Developer Tea,
Interview w/ Michael Chan (pt. 1)

Interview w/ Michael Chan (pt. 1)

Developer Tea,
Why Rules Apply Especially to Exceptions

Why Rules Apply Especially to Exceptions

Developer Tea,
3 Practical Steps for Avoiding Narrative Biases

3 Practical Steps for Avoiding Narrative Biases

Developer Tea,
Proof of Complexity and Seeking Simplicity

Proof of Complexity and Seeking Simplicity

Developer Tea,
The Zen Developer - What Are You Pushing On?

The Zen Developer - What Are You Pushing On?

Developer Tea,
Bad Bugs - Avoiding Burnout When Solving Elusive Problems

Bad Bugs - Avoiding Burnout When Solving Elusive Problems

Developer Tea,
Practical Tips for Minding the Details

Practical Tips for Minding the Details

Developer Tea,
Practicing Non-Attachment as a Developer

Practicing Non-Attachment as a Developer

Developer Tea,
A Discussion On Falsehoods Developers Believe

A Discussion On Falsehoods Developers Believe

Developer Tea,
Three Overconfidence Smells

Three Overconfidence Smells

Developer Tea,
A Challenge Towards Gratitude

A Challenge Towards Gratitude

Developer Tea,
Observing Your Stress Responses

Observing Your Stress Responses

Developer Tea,
How Relative Comparisons Affect Our Decisions

How Relative Comparisons Affect Our Decisions

Developer Tea,
Interview w/ Julian Shapiro (part 2)

Interview w/ Julian Shapiro (part 2)

Developer Tea,
Interview w/ Julian Shapiro (part 1)

Interview w/ Julian Shapiro (part 1)

Developer Tea,
Inhibition, Fear, and Two Mindsets for Moving Forward in the Face of Uncertainty

Inhibition, Fear, and Two Mindsets for Moving Forward in the Face of Uncertainty

Developer Tea,
Make Programming Principles More Useful with These 3 New Angles

Make Programming Principles More Useful with These 3 New Angles

Developer Tea,
Could We All Be Right? Event vs. Construct Theories

Could We All Be Right? Event vs. Construct Theories

Developer Tea,
3 Rules for Designing Lasting Habits

3 Rules for Designing Lasting Habits

Developer Tea,
Exit Points - Where Productivity Turns Into Procrastination

Exit Points - Where Productivity Turns Into Procrastination

Developer Tea,
3 Counterintuitive Rules of Communication with Co-workers

3 Counterintuitive Rules of Communication with Co-workers

Developer Tea,
3 Considerations of Symmetry in Code

3 Considerations of Symmetry in Code

Developer Tea,
Learning React - Part 2 (Three lessons from the perpetual path)

Learning React - Part 2 (Three lessons from the perpetual path)

Developer Tea,
