Developer Tea

Latest episodes

Friday Refill: How Patience Pays Off

Friday Refill: How Patience Pays Off

Developer Tea,
Geoff Schmidt, CEO and Co-founder of Apollo GraphQL, Part Two

Geoff Schmidt, CEO and Co-founder of Apollo GraphQL, Part Two

Developer Tea,
Geoff Schmidt, CEO and Co-founder of Apollo GraphQL, Part One

Geoff Schmidt, CEO and Co-founder of Apollo GraphQL, Part One

Developer Tea,
Friday Refills - Stop Predicting Your Priorities

Friday Refills - Stop Predicting Your Priorities

Developer Tea,
Superpowered Imagination

Superpowered Imagination

Developer Tea,
Biases of Attention

Biases of Attention

Developer Tea,
Friday Refill - Divergent and Convergent Meetings

Friday Refill - Divergent and Convergent Meetings

Developer Tea,
Clean Up Your Goals

Clean Up Your Goals

Developer Tea,
Lego Problems - Modes of Operation on Component-Driven Problems

Lego Problems - Modes of Operation on Component-Driven Problems

Developer Tea,
Friday Refill - Anchor Behaviors

Friday Refill - Anchor Behaviors

Developer Tea,
Quincy Larson, Founder of freeCodeCamp - Part Two

Quincy Larson, Founder of freeCodeCamp - Part Two

Developer Tea,
Quincy Larson, Founder of freeCodeCamp - Part One

Quincy Larson, Founder of freeCodeCamp - Part One

Developer Tea,
Friday Refills - Rest is Not an Optional Luxury

Friday Refills - Rest is Not an Optional Luxury

Developer Tea,
Post-Pandemic Work and Life as an Engineer - Skills for a Different Future

Post-Pandemic Work and Life as an Engineer - Skills for a Different Future

Developer Tea,
Post-Pandemic Life and Work as an Engineer: Back to Normal-ish

Post-Pandemic Life and Work as an Engineer: Back to Normal-ish

Developer Tea,
Self Distancing

Self Distancing

Developer Tea,
Design Lead at Basecamp, Jonas Downey - Part Two

Design Lead at Basecamp, Jonas Downey - Part Two

Developer Tea,
Design Lead at Basecamp, Jonas Downey - Part One

Design Lead at Basecamp, Jonas Downey - Part One

Developer Tea,
Friday Refills - Don't Cram the Information Firehose... Filter and Focus!

Friday Refills - Don't Cram the Information Firehose... Filter and Focus!

Developer Tea,
Post-Pandemic: Work and Life as an Engineer - Remote Everything?

Post-Pandemic: Work and Life as an Engineer - Remote Everything?

Developer Tea,
Series kickoff - Post-Pandemic: Work and Life as an Engineer

Series kickoff - Post-Pandemic: Work and Life as an Engineer

Developer Tea,
Friday Refill: Consider an Alternate Story

Friday Refill: Consider an Alternate Story

Developer Tea,
Paying the Tax for Our Decisions

Paying the Tax for Our Decisions

Developer Tea,
The Downside to Inaction

The Downside to Inaction

Developer Tea,
Friday Refill - Ignore Motivation, Focus On Removing Obstacles

Friday Refill - Ignore Motivation, Focus On Removing Obstacles

Developer Tea,
The Bucket Model

The Bucket Model

Developer Tea,
The Shape of Work

The Shape of Work

Developer Tea,
Why We Believe Ourselves (Even When We're Proven Wrong)

Why We Believe Ourselves (Even When We're Proven Wrong)

Developer Tea,
Designing Your Skill Portfolio

Designing Your Skill Portfolio

Developer Tea,
Optionality Sweet Spot

Optionality Sweet Spot

Developer Tea,
