Latest episodes

One Super Simple Tactic to Regain Your Time
Developer Tea,
Using Substitute Questions to Gain a Better Perspective
Developer Tea,
Interview with Brad Frost (@brad_frost, part 2)
Developer Tea,
Interview with Brad Frost (@brad_frost, part 1)
Developer Tea,
Listener Question: Can I Lead Remotely? (part 2)
Developer Tea,
Listener Question: Can I Lead Remotely? (part 1)
Developer Tea,
Interview with Dain Miller (@dainmiller, part 3 of 3)
Developer Tea,
Interview with Dain Miller (@dainmiller, part 2 of 3)
Developer Tea,
Interview with Dain Miller (@dainmiller, part 1 of 3)
Developer Tea,
Don't Trust Your Friends
Developer Tea,
Not So Trivial: Things That Can Kill Your Focus
Developer Tea,
How the First Guideline Changes Your Behavior Drastically
Developer Tea,
Folklore In Your Code
Developer Tea,
System Vs. Will Power
Developer Tea,
Interview with Laurence Bradford (@learncodewithme), Part Two
Developer Tea,
Interview with Laurence Bradford (@learncodewithme), Part One
Developer Tea,
What it Means to Rush
Developer Tea,
Listener Question: Harshitha Asks About Startups Vs. Personal Projects
Developer Tea,
Create an Effective Communication Protocol With these Rules
Developer Tea,
Three Insights About Heuristics
Developer Tea,
Code Review Excuses
Developer Tea,
Interview with Lauren Cutrell (part 2)
Developer Tea,
Interview with Lauren Cutrell (part 1)
Developer Tea,
The Einstellung Effect
Developer Tea,
Interview with Kalid Azad (part 3 of 3)
Developer Tea,
Interview with Kalid Azad (part 2 of 3)
Developer Tea,
Interview with Kalid Azad (part 1 of 3)
Developer Tea,
Listener Question: Johannes Asks About Getting Hired in the United States
Developer Tea,
3 Questions Your Should Be Asking Before Starting A Project
Developer Tea,