Shop Talk Show

Latest episodes

550: Sanity with Simen Svelll and Espen Hovlandsdal

550: Sanity with Simen Svelll and Espen Hovlandsdal

Shop Talk Show,
549: Ben Ubois of Feedbin

549: Ben Ubois of Feedbin

Shop Talk Show,
548: Infinite Canvas, Luro + Figma, and Scraping or Crawling

548: Infinite Canvas, Luro + Figma, and Scraping or Crawling

Shop Talk Show,
547: WordPress and GraphQL with Jason Bahl

547: WordPress and GraphQL with Jason Bahl

Shop Talk Show,
546: Ryan Dahl and Deno

546: Ryan Dahl and Deno

Shop Talk Show,
541: Una Kravets on What’s New With CSS

541: Una Kravets on What’s New With CSS

Shop Talk Show,
540: Next 13, WP vs FB, Figma Thoughts, and a TypeScript Journey

540: Next 13, WP vs FB, Figma Thoughts, and a TypeScript Journey

Shop Talk Show,
539: Sameera Kapila and Inclusive Design Communities

539: Sameera Kapila and Inclusive Design Communities

Shop Talk Show,
538: Patching the Web

538: Patching the Web

Shop Talk Show,
537: ShopTalk Live from An Event Apart 2022

537: ShopTalk Live from An Event Apart 2022

Shop Talk Show,
536: Functional Programming, npm Dependency Hell, and the Patchability of the Web

536: Functional Programming, npm Dependency Hell, and the Patchability of the Web

Shop Talk Show,
535: Improving Developer Productivity with Rebecca Murphey

535: Improving Developer Productivity with Rebecca Murphey

Shop Talk Show,
534: Web Talks, AI Images, and Redesigning an API

534: Web Talks, AI Images, and Redesigning an API

Shop Talk Show,
533: Bastian Allgeier from Kirby CMS

533: Bastian Allgeier from Kirby CMS

Shop Talk Show,
532: Mobile Browser Injections, CascadiaJS + Enhance, CSS Methodologies

532: Mobile Browser Injections, CascadiaJS + Enhance, CSS Methodologies

Shop Talk Show,
531: Mobile Database, GDPR Fun, and Heroku Shuts Down Free Plan

531: Mobile Database, GDPR Fun, and Heroku Shuts Down Free Plan

Shop Talk Show,
530: Keaton Taylor on Product Design, Career Paths, and DadTalk Show

530: Keaton Taylor on Product Design, Career Paths, and DadTalk Show

Shop Talk Show,
529: Jen Simmons

529: Jen Simmons

Shop Talk Show,
528: Alex and Andrew on Working in an Agency

528: Alex and Andrew on Working in an Agency

Shop Talk Show,
527: Shaky Foundations, Tricky A11y Topics, & Dependency Follow Up

527: Shaky Foundations, Tricky A11y Topics, & Dependency Follow Up

Shop Talk Show,
526: Web Components, Testing, and Database Seeding

526: Web Components, Testing, and Database Seeding

Shop Talk Show,
525: Cache Bustin, Twitter Embeds, and Analytics Weirdness

525: Cache Bustin, Twitter Embeds, and Analytics Weirdness

Shop Talk Show,
524: Package Security with Feross Aboukhadijeh from Socket

524: Package Security with Feross Aboukhadijeh from Socket

Shop Talk Show,
523: Quality Design in Apps, Headless WordPress Shopify, GitHub Action Notifications

523: Quality Design in Apps, Headless WordPress Shopify, GitHub Action Notifications

Shop Talk Show,
522: Jay Hoffman and The History of the Web

522: Jay Hoffman and The History of the Web

Shop Talk Show,
521: GitHub Actions with Rizèl Scarlett and Brian Douglas

521: GitHub Actions with Rizèl Scarlett and Brian Douglas

Shop Talk Show,
520: Conferences, Search Engines, Anonymity, CSS, :Has, and the Future with Eric Meyer and Jeffrey Zeldman

520: Conferences, Search Engines, Anonymity, CSS, :Has, and the Future with Eric Meyer and Jeffrey Zeldman

Shop Talk Show,
519 – SSG vs WordPress, Customize Menus, JavaScript Testing, and CMS Tools in JavaScript

519 – SSG vs WordPress, Customize Menus, JavaScript Testing, and CMS Tools in JavaScript

Shop Talk Show,
518: WebPageTest Improvements, Shopify Hydrogen, and is .CSS a Bad Idea?

518: WebPageTest Improvements, Shopify Hydrogen, and is .CSS a Bad Idea?

Shop Talk Show,
Big Backend Energy

Big Backend Energy

Shop Talk Show,
