Small Batches

Latest episodes

DevOps 101

DevOps 101

Small Batches,
System Archetypes

System Archetypes

Small Batches,
Lean Software Delivery 101

Lean Software Delivery 101

Small Batches,
Percent Complete and Accurate

Percent Complete and Accurate

Small Batches,
Recommend Reading

Recommend Reading

Small Batches,
Deployment Pipelines

Deployment Pipelines

Small Batches,
PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

Small Batches,
Inflection Points

Inflection Points

Small Batches,
The Red Beads

The Red Beads

Small Batches,
The 5S Method

The 5S Method

Small Batches,
Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking

Small Batches,
Canary Deploys

Canary Deploys

Small Batches,
Modern Software Engineering

Modern Software Engineering

Small Batches,
The Four Types of Problems

The Four Types of Problems

Small Batches,
Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming

Small Batches,
The Principles of Product Development Flow

The Principles of Product Development Flow

Small Batches,
Time Thieves

Time Thieves

Small Batches,
Queuing Theory

Queuing Theory

Small Batches,
Software Delivery Glossary

Software Delivery Glossary

Small Batches,
Flow Mapping with Steve Pereira

Flow Mapping with Steve Pereira

Small Batches,
Flow Engineering with Steve Pereira

Flow Engineering with Steve Pereira

Small Batches,
Flow and Value with Steve Pereira

Flow and Value with Steve Pereira

Small Batches,
The Toyota Way

The Toyota Way

Small Batches,
Dr. Deming on Variation with John Willis

Dr. Deming on Variation with John Willis

Small Batches,
System of Profound Knowledge with John Willis

System of Profound Knowledge with John Willis

Small Batches,
Introducing Dr. Deming with John Willis

Introducing Dr. Deming with John Willis

Small Batches,
Dr. Deming on Variation

Dr. Deming on Variation

Small Batches,
The High Velocity Edge with Steve Spear

The High Velocity Edge with Steve Spear

Small Batches,
The High Velocity Edge: Part Nine

The High Velocity Edge: Part Nine

Small Batches,
The High Velocity Edge: Part Eight

The High Velocity Edge: Part Eight

Small Batches,
