Adventures in Angular

049 AiA Line of Business Applications and Developers with Deborah Kurata

02:14 - Deborah Kurata Introduction

02:32 - Line of Business App Developers

04:24 - How do these apps look different?

07:20 - Forms Over Data and Business Rules

  • Delivering Features and Ease of Development

10:43 - Learning Curve, Tools

13:24 - Forms Over Data (Cont’d), Using Angular for LOB Apps

17:57 - NuGet Package Manager

21:17 - Training Newbies in Angular

22:31 - Features of Angular Most Important to LOB Devs

  • Two-way Databinding
  • Modularization
  • Routing

24:01 - Custom Directives?

24:34 - Grids

32:33 - Cons of Being a Line of Business Developer

34:11 - OData

35:28 - Where Angular is Going and Where Microsoft is Headed with It’s Tooling

42:59 - Deborah’s Thoughts on Using Angular 2


Camel Up (Joe)
Exploring ES6: Upgrade to the next version of JavaScript by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (Lukas)
Zapf Video From 1960s (Ward)
Just My Type: A Book About Fonts by Simon Garfield (Ward)
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown (Chuck)
Angular 1.4 (Deborah)

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