Bootstrapping Saas


In this episode I talk about how client work is making me more disciplined with Claritask. Also, how I am positioning Claritask more as a company and less like an indiehacker side-product, which is not. I will focus more on channels that have worked before, like Linkedin, Quora, and Medium.

Companies that I sell to are serious companies that want to work with a product which they feel will be around for a long time. Removing myself from Claritask will (hopefully) make it sound more as a serious contender to current apps out there and less about 1-person making something. Ego aside, Claritask doesn't need me for that.
Thankful for EP18 supporters:

  • by Shawn Inman — Shawn is offering a 30-minute free consultation wanting to help with a pressing challenge (technical or not) that you are facing in your bootstrapped product/startup. Hurry up, his weekly slots are limited.
  • by Paul Metcalfe — Paul hand picks the best podcast episodes in founder stories, growth marketing, sales, funding and sends them your way every Monday and Tuesday in a quick easy to digest Newsletter. Sign up for free to get on Paul's bi-weekly newsletter.

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