Louis Nichols was a cofounder of a VC backed startup that exited and now he consults startups and founders on sales and marketing.
In this Episode we go down into the basics of what Sales mean for a bootstrapped Saas and how to go about succeeding with it.
Some of the things we talked about were:
- The difference between Sales and Marketing for early stage bootstrapped startups
- How to go about finding leads
- Does it matter "who" is behind the product
- Justin Jackson's "The Myth of a Niche Market" https://justinjackson.ca/niche
This episode is sponsored by ColdFeed Studios. Shawn Inman, CFS founder, is offering a free 30-minute consultation for any founder who needs advice on how to move forward. Visit the website https://coldfeetstudios.com/ for details and signup for your free consultation spot.