Code Story

S8 Bonus: Massoud Alibakhsh, Omadeus

Massoud Alibakhsh was born in Iran, but grew up in the states. He has always been curious about machines, computers, robots - and as such, stupid electrical engineering and computer science. He built his career on hardware and software, and witnessed all the tech changes throughout the past decades - from mainframes to GUI's to pcs to distributed systems to the cloud. Outside of tech, he used to be a competitive soccer player, but after he hurt his knees, he switched to swimming daily. He swears by intermittent fasting, but makes sure to carry walnuts and dates on him when he travels.

Massoud held a strong desire to find a solution to the complex communication problem between people and systems. He decided to approach this with deep AI integration, smart objects, and an object messaging model. And in doing so, he put AI in project management, and discovered the next development paradigm.

This is the creation story of Omadeus.



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