
Episode 75 – Clean Architecture – Make Your Architecture Scream

Michael can’t tell higher from lower, Allen puts his views where he wants them, and Joe snaps it to a Slim Jim as we discuss how to make our architectures scream while discussing Robert C. Martin’s Clean Architecture.

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Survey Says …

With Valentine’s Day in mind, we ask: Have you ever made a mix tape?

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Have you ever made a mix tape?
  • Does a playlist count? Oh, it doesn't? Then no, I haven't.
  • Man, I got my technique down and everything. I know exactly when to play Bon Jovi's five words ... yes I have


  • Thank you to everyone that left us a review:
    • iTunes: Tillman32, Satisfied photo printer, Cyclomatic Double Complexity, portugueezy
    • Stitcher: Styx, EdwardDunn, Rosengren
  • Clarification: The Output window tip for SQL Server Management Studio is specific to SSMS 2017.
  • Joe will be speaking at the Orlando Code Camp March 17th. Visit to learn more.
  • Become the master of your 3d domain! New master’s course from Unity3d College ( available February 26th. We’ll be running a contest giveaway, so join our mailing list to participate.
  • Help us out by visiting our sponsors and affiliate resources.

Make Your Architecture Scream

Policy and Level

  • A computer program is a statement of policy – known inputs and expected outputs
  • Most systems have many statements of separate policies
    • Business rules, formatting, ETL, etc
  • Policies that change for the same reasons should be grouped into the same components and vice versa
  • Goal is to create acyclic dependency graphs where items with similar policies are at the same level, and dependencies are at the edges
    • Direction of dependencies is based on the level of components they connect
      • Level is the distance from the inputs and outputs
      • The further the policy is from the inputs and outputs, the higher the level
  • Data flows and source code dependencies do not always point in the same direction
    • Dependencies should be decoupled from data flow but coupled to the level
  • The importance of this is the fact that the higher level components are now reusable with different input and output sources
  • Policies that change for the same reason or at the same time are bounded by the SRP or CCP
    • Higher level components typically change less frequently than the lower level components
    • Lower level components (those that change frequently) should be plugins to the higher level components

Business Rules

  • “Business rules are rules or procedures that make or save the business money” (whether or not they were implemented on a computer)
  • Critical business rules – rules critical to the business itself, with or without a computer, for example, calculating interest on a loan.
  • Critical business data – critical data that would exist even if there wasn’t an automated system.
  • Critical business rules and data are tightly bound and therefore a good space for an object, also called…


  • An object that contains critical business rules and critical business data
  • These should be separated from every other concern in the application
    • No dependencies on databases, 3rd party dependencies, user interfaces, etc.
  • These objects are pure business.

Use Cases

  • There are additional business rules that are not “critical” – they define how the automated system should work, but would have no impact on a manual business operation
  • Use case – description of how an automated system is to be used
    • These indicate how and when a critical business entity should be invoked
    • These also indicate the inputs and outputs but not where they come from (database, UI, etc.)
      • The how of data gets in and out is irrelevant to the use case
  • Entities have no knowledge of how use cases use them
    • Follows the Dependency Inversion Principle – higher level components know nothing of the lower level components – the direction is inverted
  • Use cases are specific to a single application
  • Entities are generalizations

Request and Response Models

  • Use cases accept simple request objects for input and return simple response objects for outputs
    • They SHOULD NOT depend on any frameworks or other dependencies – simple objects
    • Seems like a good idea to return a reference to an entity object – do NOT do this
      • Entity objects are higher level components that will change for different reasons so stick to the simple request / response objects
      • Coupling them together violates the Common Closer and Single Responsibility Principles

So, Business Rules …

  • “Business rules are the reason a software system exists”
  • Should remain pristine
  • Are independent and reusable

Screaming Architecture

  • Upon initial inspection, does your application structure scream Spring, or does it scream Healthcare software?
  • Architecture should scream the use cases of the application, not the frameworks or dependencies in the application
  • “If your architecture is based on frameworks, then it cannot be based on your use cases”
  • A house’s architecture is focused on usability, not whether the house is built of bricks or stucco
    • Again, going back to deferring decisions like that until further down the road
  • The “web” is a delivery mechanism – it’s your IO layer – much like a mobile app, desktop application or any other

The Theme and Purpose

  • The architecture is all about structures that support the use cases of the application
  • Architecture is not a framework nor is it supplied by a framework.
  • Good architecture allows you to defer and delay decisions as well as make it easy to change your mind about those decisions.

Frameworks are Tools, NOT Ways of Life

  • Look at frameworks with skepticism – you don’t want to adopt the be all end all position
    • They should NOT dictate your application architecture
  • How should you use it?
  • How should you protect yourself from it?

Testable Architectures

  • If you’ve done your job right, then unit testing should be easy to do as everything was decoupled properly
    • Entity objects will be plain old objects with no external dependencies
    • Use case objects will coordinate the use of entity objects, again with no infrastructure dependencies

Does your Architecture Scream?

  • Your architecture should quickly identify the purpose of your system.

They: “We see some things that look like models – where are the views and controllers?”

You: “Oh, those are details that needn’t concern us at the moment. We’ll decide about them later.”

The Clean Architecture

Uncle Bob’s version of the Clean Architecture diagram:

Our re-imagining of it as a cone:

  • It’s really about the Separation of Concerns
    • Dividing software into layers
  • Should be independent of frameworks
  • They should be testable
  • They should be independent of a UI
  • They should be independent of a database
  • They should be independent of interfaces to 3rd party dependencies
  • The Clean Architecture Diagram
    • Innermost: “Enterprise / Critical Business Rules” – Entities
    • Next out: “Application business rules” – Use Cases
    • Next out: “Interface adapters” – Gateways, Controllers, Presenters
    • Outer: “Frameworks and drivers” – Devices, Web, UI, External Interfaces, DB
  • Moving inward, the level of abstraction and policy increase
  • The innermost circle is the most general/highest level
  • Inner circles are policies
  • Outer circles are mechanisms
  • Inner circles cannot depend on outer circles
  • Outer circles cannot influence inner circles


  • Entities should be usable by many applications (critical business rules) and should not be impacted by anything other than a change to the critical business rule itself
  • They encapsulate the most general/high-level rules.

Use Cases

  • Use cases are application specific business rules
    • Changes should not impact the Entities
    • Changes should not be impacted by infrastructure such as a database
  • The use cases orchestrate the flow of data in/out of the Entities and direct the Entities to use their Critical Business Rules to achieve the use case

Interface Adapters

  • Converts data from data layers to use case or entity layers
    • Presenters, views and controllers all belong here
  • No code further in (use cases, entities) should have any knowledge of the db

Frameworks and Drivers

  • These are the glue that hook the various layers up
  • The infrastructure details live here
  • You’re not writing much of this code, i.e. we use SQL Server, but we don’t write it.

Crossing Boundaries

  • Flow of control went from the controller, through the application use case, then to the presenter
  • Source code dependencies point in towards the use cases
  • Dependency Inversion Principle
    • Use case needs to call a presenter – doing so would violate the dependency rule – inner circles cannot call (or know about) outer circles….
      • The use case would need to call an interface
        • The implementation of that interface would be provided by the interface adapter layer – this is how the dependency is inverted
          • This same type of inversion of control is used all throughout the architecture to invert the flow of control

Data Crossing Boundaries

  • Typically data crossing the boundaries consist of simple data structures
    • This would violate the dependency rules
  • Data is passed in the format that is most convenient to the inner circle / layer
  • These are isolated, simple data structures
    • Meaning our DTOs needed to cross the boundaries should belong in the inner circle, or at least their definition (interface, abstract class)


  • Conforming to the rules is not difficult (but requires work) and will set you up to be able to plug and play pieces in the future

Resources We Like

  • Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin (Amazon)
  • Domain-Driven Design Fundamentals by Julie Lerman and Steve Smith (available at Pluralsight)

Tip of the Week

  • Embedding images in email is easy, but make sure you’ve got the right mime types (jpeg, not jpg – no period!)
  • Target a specific csproj in your VS solution in a Team City build configuration like MyProjectName:Build. And if your project name contains spaces, target it like My%%20Project%%20Name:Build. Thanks to our Slack community for help figuring out the special space encoding: Russ (kritner), Sean (sean), Robert (robert), Martin (azeteg)
  • #1. Use a logging framework. #2. Abstract said framework to reduce your dependency on it.
  • Read your Kindle books online –
  • Use built-in functionality, such as System.Net.Mail.MailAddress, to validate that a string is an email address.

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