Coffee with Butterscotch: A Gamedev Comedy Podcast

[Ep183] Cursemas Eve

Hey there, Shenanites! Welcome to the last Coffee with Butterscotch episode of 20gr18! This week, we talk about holiday creep, hand films, and version control. We’ll see you in 20 fine teen! 20 crime teen? Hm. Better workshop it some more. Questions answered (abbreviated): - bamhm182: We are now in the last month of 20gr18. How have you guys stopped f***in' around? Do you feel like you accomplished more this year than prior years? - RetroBananaManNL: Where do you get your industry news information from? - Dageki: How do you DO version control on your code? When you do DO code, do you follow any particular style (agile, etc)? - doombrowski: I've been working on a game off and on for about 2 years now. The full gameplay loop is playable but there's still hardly any content in it. Should I go into early access or wait to release with what I feel is adequate content? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

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