Hail and well met, Shenanites! Welcome back to your weekly dose of something approximating comedy! This week, we discuss laptop nesting dolls, footkick fives, and the cheerful edge of murder. Plus, an intense discussion about game design! With insights SO DEEP AND PROFOUND that we forgot them! The main thing is this: if you want to assert your business dominance, you’ll need some steel-plated shoes. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Beekie Boppaboop: Are you recording podcasts in advance just in case? - Undergourdie Rompfush: How do you balance studying and learning new things for your job with doing relaxing activities? - Flyhoppie Axerompa: Do you guys ever assign the team games to play? What games did you play to help build LevelHead? - Butterscotch Atheist: If created a game design curriculum, what would your “assigned games” be? To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts (apple.co/1LxNEnk) or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at discord.gg/bscotch and say hello! Submit questions at https://www.bscotch.net/podcast, disclose all of your secrets to podcast@bscotch.net, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to http://bit.ly/bscotchmailbox. Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to http://moneygrab.bscotch.net.