Coffee with Butterscotch: A Gamedev Comedy Podcast

[Ep355] Invasive Social Nicety

This week, we talk about beach funerals, clock shenanigans, and evaluating feedback. If you don’t understand why you’re doing something, you’re not engaging in best practices. In relationships, in the perception of time, and in understanding details. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Context is EVERYTHING. Questions answered (abbreviated): - Jumpylumpa Leapylow: On average how many takes do you have for the podcast? Have you ever talked about something that had to be removed? How much time goes into editing? - Mimmabip Gourkee: When receiving feedback on a change players want to your game, how do you determine whether it's a change that a vocal minority want or something that the majority of players would enjoy? Things mentioned: - Register to watch our live interview on the Favro Learn From Leaders podcast on March 31! - That podcast episode from NPR: To stay up to date with all of our buttery goodness subscribe to the podcast on Apple podcasts ( or wherever you get your audio goodness. If you want to get more involved in the Butterscotch community, hop into our DISCORD server at and say hello! Submit questions at, disclose all of your secrets to, and send letters, gifts, and tasty treats to Finally, if you’d like to support the show and buy some coffee FOR Butterscotch, head over to

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