A DataFramed Podcast

#25 Data Science for Everyone

Community building is an essential aspect of data science. But how do you do it? Find out in Hugo's conversation with Jared Lander, organizer of the New York Open Statistical Programming Meetup and the New York R Conference. Jared is also the Chief Data Scientist of Lander Analytics, a data science consultancy based in New York City and an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at Columbia University.

How does Jared think about creating safe and welcoming spaces for budding and practicing data scientists of all ilk? How does he put this into practice? How does he make people feel comfortable and at home in a field in which so many intelligent and curious people feel like imposters? What practical & specific considerations are there in creating this home for underrepresented groups? How does he stay ahead of the curve in terms of modern, up-to-date content and speakers for his meetup and conference?

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