Data Science at Home

What data transformation library should I use? Pandas vs Dask vs Ray vs Modin vs Rapids (Ep. 112)

In this episode I speak about data transformation frameworks available for the data scientist who writes Python code. The usual suspect is clearly Pandas, as the most widely used library and de-facto standard. However when data volumes increase and distributed algorithms are in place (according to a map-reduce paradigm of computation), Pandas no longer performs as expected. Other frameworks play a role in such context. 

In this episode I explain the frameworks that are the best equivalent to Pandas in bigdata contexts.

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This episode is supported by Amethix Technologies

Amethix works to create and maximize the impact of the world’s leading corporations, startups, and nonprofits, so they can create a better future for everyone they serve. Amethix is a consulting firm focused on data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.



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