Bruce Tate is an author and CTO from Austin, Texas. As the Chief Technology Officer of Sentient Services, he is responsible for building the market research platform iCanMakeItBetter. His focus is using small productive teams to bring complex applications to the marketplace. As an author and speaker, he has written more than ten books including two JOLT award winners, most recently the book Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. He is the editor for the Seven in Seven line of books, including Seven Databases in Seven Weeks, with several other books under development. When he is not coding, Bruce is an avid kayaker, climber, and mountain biker. When not coding, you can find him riding the bike trails by his home on Lake Travis or icing his most recent injury.
- - Dave introduces the show and Bruce Tate
- - Writing Seven Languages in Seven Weeks from a position of fear
- - Reaching out to people and looking for help
- - The intent of the provocative title of Seven Languages
- - The parameters for choosing the languages and paradigms in the book first Seven Languages book
- - Seeking new programming paradigms and extensions of languages
- - The second Seven Languages book: Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
- - How Bruce stays current with what he needs to know - breadth and depth
- - Bruce's thoughts on value and a great story about encountering Elixir and José Valim
- - The story of building a webserver for Elixir, fostering community, and the birth of Phoenix
- - "We stopped trying to control things and we focused instead on enabling the community."
- - The other thing on which Bruce is working: iCanMakeItBetter
- - The motivation and approach for the Seven More Languages book and characteristics of the languages and platforms
- - Bruce's top 3 tips for deliverying more value
- - Keeping up with Bruce
- Bruce's Blog Posts at iCanMakeItBetter
- Seven Languages in Seven Weeks A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages - Bruce A. Tate
- Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks - Bruce Tate, Fred Daoud, Jack Moffitt, Ian Dees
- Programming Phoenix Productive |> Reliable |> Fast - Chris McCord, Bruce Tate, and José Valim
- The Pragmatic Bookshelf
- The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance - Steven Kotler
- Joe Armstrong
- José Valim
- Phoenix Framework
- Chris McCord
- Dave Thomas on Developer On Fire
- Lambda Days 2016
- Erlang Factory San Fransisco 2016
- A Long List of Bruce Tate Books
Bruce's top 3 tips for deliverying more value:
1. Do something nontrivial in a language radically different from the one you use
2. Value humility
3. Nap