Developer Tea

Part Two: Brianna and Andrew Norcross Talk About Entrepreneurship, Learning a Language, and Defending Wordpress

Brianna and Andrew Norcross are a powerhouse of a couple. They started Reaktiv Studios, a WordPress-focused agency based in Florida. I spoke with Brianna and Andrew about how they have learned to work together as a married couple. If you missed it, make sure you check out Part 1 of this series.

Follow Reaktiv, Andrew, and Brianna on Twitter:

Make sure you tell them @DeveloperTea sent you.

If you're wondering what kind of WordPress work these two are involved in, check out Nextdraft Newsletter, developed by ReaktivStudio's and mentioned in today's episode. It might help to know that they are an official service partner for WordPress VIP. So, yeah, they're legit.

Check out to learn more about what Brianna and Andrew do every day!

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