In today's episode, I finish the interview with Christopher Schmitt, author of the CSS Cookbook and part owner of Environments for Humans. Click here to listen to part one of the interview.
Mentioned in today's episode:
- JavaScript Summit 2016 Call for Speakers
- History of The Queen Mary boat
- CodePen
- CodePen Meetups
- CSS Dev Conf Wrap-up on Shoptalk Show
- Elite Balloon Design
- Ari Styles on Twitter (@ari4nne)
- Austin WordPress Meetup
- Spec Slack Community
- Sara Soueidan on Twitter (@SaraSoueidan)
- Greensock Animation Library
- Using CSS Flexbox (MDN)
- GruntJS
- GulpJS
- Command Line for Web Design (Tutorials on WebDesignTuts)
- Developer Tea episode about branding yourself as a developer, (Interview with John Sonmez)
- Non-Breaking Space Podcast
Today's episode doesn't have a specific sponsor. Instead, head over to and check out the other shows on the network!
And lastly...
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