Developer Tea

Rejecting the DRY Principle

Today's episode is about repeating yourself, and knowing when to repeat yourself and when not to.

This episode was inspired by Sandy Metz. One of Sandy's teachings is to repeat yourself until you understand your code. It is much better to have repeated code than to have complex code. As a developer, it is your responsibility to decide if your code is better suited to be duplicated or complex.

This episode goes against the grain of the DRY methodology, but I challenge you to question everything. Investigate everything you hear and challenge your learning.

Thanks to today's sponsor: Code School

If you're interested in learning anything development related from language basics to regular expressions, try R, Google Drive API and Chrome Dev Tools check out Code School. Start learning for free at

I would love to hear any questions you have about coding and life. If you have a question you'd like me to explore email me at, or write to me on twitter @developertea. Developer Tea is a Spec Network production. Check out the Spec community and join the conversation.

I hope you enjoyed this episode and until next time,

Enjoy your tea

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