Latest episodes

Mackenzie Child, Part One: Concrete Goals
Developer Tea,
Benefits of Knowledge: Teaching to Learn
Developer Tea,
Listener Question: How to Separate Your Social Media Identities
Developer Tea,
Internship Tips
Developer Tea,
1 Million
Developer Tea,
Answering Front-End Interview Questions: Call vs. Apply and Integrating Multiple Stylesheets
Developer Tea,
Beyond The Skillset
Developer Tea,
Part Two: Brianna and Andrew Norcross Talk About Entrepreneurship, Learning a Language, and Defending Wordpress
Developer Tea,
Part One: Brianna and Andrew Norcross Talk About Working Together, Living Together, Balance, and Rebellion
Developer Tea,
Inspiration Episode: Kent Beck Day!
Developer Tea,
Media Consumption Diet
Developer Tea,
Discovering Formalization: The Proper Place for Theory
Developer Tea,
Listener Question: How Do I Start Mentoring? 2 Tips To Make A Mentorship Effective for the Mentor AND the Mentee
Developer Tea,
Inspiration Episode: Creating Effective Metaphors + Developer Tea Gets Nominated for "Best Podcast of the Year" in the Net Awards!
Developer Tea,
4 Tips for Creating a Great Developer Resume
Developer Tea,
Travis Neilson, Part Two: Engaging Your Audience, Creating Conversations, Becoming a Publisher, and Viciously Yucky Comments on YouTube
Developer Tea,
Travis Neilson, Part One: Evergreen Content and the Pluses and Minuses of YouTube vs Podcasting
Developer Tea,
Healthy Difficulty: Dealing With Frustration and Confusion
Developer Tea,
Three Methods to Improve Your Memorization and Learning Ability, Starting Today
Developer Tea,
My Thoughts (and Stolen Quotes) About Originality, Creating from Nothing, and the Authenticity of Synthesis
Developer Tea,
Interview with Daniel Rapp, Creator of the Doppler JavaScript Library
Developer Tea,
Listener Question from Summit: How To Hunt for a Different Job While Already Employed Without Exhausting Yourself or Burning Bridges
Developer Tea,
Creating Obvious Systems: Why Mental Models Justify Simplicity, and When to Utilize Surprise and Delight
Developer Tea,
Answering Listener Questions: Matt asks about the feasibility of finding remote work, online education, and the order of learning
Developer Tea,
Inspiration Episode: Brian Eno Teaches Us To Limit Our Options
Developer Tea,
Scott Belsky, Part Two
Developer Tea,
Scott Belsky, Part One
Developer Tea,
Answering Front-end Developer Interview Questions: Explaining the Importance of Standards for the Web
Developer Tea,
Answering Listener Questions: Devin, a Non-Developer, Asks About Grasping Things That Go Over His Head, and Finding Starting Points
Developer Tea,