Software Developer's Journey

#36 Rob Allen on persuasion instead of authority

Rob Allen is a software consultant and developer with many years experience and writes code in PHP, Swift and other interesting languages. He leads Slim Framework's development team and contributes to Apache OpenWhisk and other open source projects. Rob is a published author and based in the UK where he runs Nineteen Feet Limited, focussing on API development, training and consultancy. In his spare time, Rob blogs at and can often be seen with a camera in his hand.

Rob briefly told us about his studies and then we moved over to his favorite topics: serverless computing, open-source development and communication!

Here are the links mentionned:

Note: we recorded in a giant room and managed to avoid most of the echo... but not all of it. Sorry for that!


Your host

Software Developer‘s Journey is hosted and produced by Timothée (Tim) Bourguignon, a crazy frenchman living in Germany who dedicated his life to helping others learn & grow. More about him at

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