In this episode we talk to Paulo Elias, formerly from IDEO, about his experiences interviewing for a frontend web development position in 2020.
We talk about the interview process, and how much of the focus is on JavaScript, with CSS and HTML as almost an afterthought.
Is this just a thing inside the bubble that is Silicon Valley, or is it a broader shift in the craft of modern web development?
We go on to talk about some of the specific questions asked, the focus on algorithms and problem solving, and how getting good at interviewing is a skill in and of itself.
- Paulo Elias
- Sequential Numbers Unsolved CodePen
- Sequential Numbers Paulo's Solution CodePen
- Run Length Encoding
- Free Code Camp Algorithms
- Introduction to the Intermediate Algorithm Scripting Challenges
- Introduction to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects
- JavaScript Algorithms playlist
- Ace the Coding Interviews
- LeetCode
- La Fortuna, Costa Rica