In this episode, we talk to Vue.js core team member Chris Fritz about what awesome new features we can look forward to in Vue.js 3.0!
First we discuss a misconception / miscommunication about Vue.js 3.0: the existing templating & component syntax is will not only continue to be supported, it will continue to be recommended!
Then we go on to talk about the additional functionality that composition functions (aka “hooks”) will bring to the party, should you choose to use them.
We go on to talk about better performance, enhanced developer experience, fewer edge cases, and a number of other features coming in Vue.js 3.0!
- Chris Fritz on Twitter
- Vue.js
- Vue.js Documentation
- Plans for the Next Iteration of Vue.js
- RFC: Function-based Component API
- Vue RFC: Expose logic-related component options via function-based APIs instead
- Vue 3 will change Vue in a big way
- Vue's Darkest Day
- Chris Fritz "Vue 3 Trends" presentation
- Vue.js Reactivity Caveats
- You will waste hours of productivity if you don't know this