Standup - "The Rantings of a Mad Prepper"

Ryan Irelan & Andrew record another devMode standup where we discuss Ryan’s prepper tendencies, and he goes on a rant about a SaaS he’s had issues with (he’d like to see the manager).

We go on to talk about Conventional Commits, and how they can make your git commits better, and discuss drug smuggling. Andrew sees a shiny object, and goes off on a side-quest making a Vite.js Dockered Dev environment in the name of fixing a symlink bug.

Then we discuss how Jack Antonoff, and how everyone who is really good at creating a thing—whatever that thing may be—does it via a process, not magic.

Finally, Andrew tells Ryan to grab his go bag and join him on a coding adventure to work on a Twig Devtools browser extension.

Episode source