DreamClients Podcast

DreamClients - Intro To The Podcast

An Introduction To The DreamClients Podcast #

Hi everyone. I wanted to take a minute to introduce this new podcast and give you an idea of what it is about.

The goal of the dream clients podcast is to help freelance software developers of all levels to find better clients. And more of them. It will be more targeted at folks who are new or have been doing it for a couple of years.

My name’s Aaron Cruz and I have been freelancing as a software developer, mostly remotely, in all kinds of stacks and industries for over a decade.

I’ve made all of the mistakes and felt the pain of most of the downsides of freelancing. But I also have learned from them and consistently improved my profit, work life balance and customer base year after year.

I am based in Vienna Austria in central Europe which may be relevant because some of the content will be a little more Central European based, like dealing with taxes, and a lot of the guests will be from the area. But almost all the concepts should translate well to most of the world.

There will be interview episodes intermixed with shorter episodes that will be more focused on a specific topic and straight from my experiences.
If you want to join the list and get updated when new podcasts are released, as well as other tips and hardcore freelancing life hacks, head over to

Well, thanks for tuning in and I hope this will be as helpful for you as it will for me.

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