Jacky Alciné on How The Software Field is 75% Code and 25% Presentation

Perhaps the most important skill that a software developer can have is the ability to ask good questions. Questions will lead to the answers that you actually need. Formulating good questions is key. Often, you'll find that you answered your own question in the process of forming it.

Mentorships are a great learning and growth opportunity but it's important that you respect the person that you desire mentorship from. Don't just take up their time by asking questions regularly without being upfront about the relationship that you are wanting. It's also important that when you do ask your mentor questions that you continue to respect their time by making sure that your question is good and well researched.

Included in the links below are a couple of articles on how you can take your questions game to the next level. Try to read them before asking your next question!


Jacky Alciné

Joel Hooks

Episode source