title : 192: What is your backup strategy? 📼 permalink : 192
In this episode, we talk about what a good backup strategy looks like and the different kinds of data you shoud be backing up.
Stay safe and think about your backup strategies.
3-2-1 Backup Rule
- The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy
- The 3-2-1 Backup Rule – An Efficient Data Protection Strategy
- Why 3-2-1 Backup Sucks
Backup Software
KG's primary Mac:
- SuperDuper! by Shirt Pocket for bootable backups
- Arq Backup for versioned backups -> Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage
rsync script that KG uses:
This mirrors both drives defensively (-n is dry run)
rsync --partial --progress --archive --update \
--exclude='$RECYCLE.BIN' --exclude='$Recycle.Bin' --exclude='.AppleDB' \
--exclude='.AppleDesktop' --exclude='.AppleDouble' --exclude='.com.apple.timemachine.supported'\
--exclude='.dbfseventsd' --exclude='.DocumentRevisions-V100*' --exclude='.DS_Store'\
--exclude='.fseventsd' --exclude='.PKInstallSandboxManager' --exclude='.Spotlight*'\
--exclude='.SymAV*' --exclude='.symSchedScanLockxz' --exclude='.TemporaryItems'\
--exclude='.Trash*' --exclude='.vol' --exclude='.VolumeIcon.icns' --exclude='Desktop DB'\
--exclude='Desktop DF' --exclude='hiberfil.sys' --exclude='lost+found'\
--exclude='Network Trash Folder' --exclude='pagefile.sys' --exclude='Recycled'\
--exclude='RECYCLER' --exclude='System Volume Information' --exclude='Temporary Items' --exclude='Thumbs.db'\
/Volumes/xhd_strg/ /Volumes/xhd_strg_bkp
- Wirecutter recommends SeaGate drives instead of the Western Digital Kaushik uses 🤷♀️
Sponsors 🙏
Check out the new Square YouTube channel for developers. Square has SDKs and APIs to make payments and run a business.
- @fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel
- @donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram)
- kaushikgopal (on YouTube) or blog.kaush.co or @kaushikgopal