Frontend House

How to manage with developer recruitment? - Experts Zone Talks #1 |

Meet Experts Zone Talks - the podcast in which we will talk to experts from different fields of IT and get to know the secrets of the various It professions. In the EZ Talks #1 episode, the IT recruitment specialist Kasia will share her experience. In this episode (How to manage with developer recruitment?) :

00:00​ - Intro
01:05​ - What are the stages and steps of the recruitment process?
03:20​ - What do you check on each stage?
05:15​ - What do you pay special attention to while talking to a candidate?
06:16​ - What are the differences between junior, mid and senior levels? Is it important?
07:46​ - Do you remember some interesting situations from your recruitment career?
09:05​ - Why is IT recruitment special?
10:44​ - Do you have your recruitment tricks?
12:09​ - Outro

Have a nice episode!

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