Functional Geekery

Functional Geekery Episode 58 - Elise Huard

In this episode I talk with Elise Huard. We talk her introduction to functional programming, the benefit of moving between Haskell and Clojure, her book “Game programming in Haskell”, and more.

Our Guest, Elise Huard

@elise_huard on Twitter
Elise blogs at


This episode is sponsored by project management tools for software teams. Visit to sign up for a free trial and a $50 credit. Clubhouse: dream, develop, deploy.


Curry On is taking place July 18th and 19th in Rome. Visit to find out more and to register.

Compose Melbourne is a new functional programming conference focused on developing the community and bringing typed functional programming to a wider audience. Visit to find out more.

ElixirConf is taking place August 31st through September 2nd in Orlando, Florida. Visit to register and find out more.

Full Stack Fest will be hold in Barcelona on September 5-9th. You can check out to find out more.

PWLConf 2016 is the first full-day Papers We Love conference, co-located with the preconference events at Strange Loop in Saint Louis, Missouri on September 15th. Keep an eye out for updates on

Lambda World will be taking place September 30th & October 1st, 2016. Lambda.World is the longest functional programming conference in Spain and Portugal and one of the biggest in Europe. Visit to find out more and to register.

The Erlang User Conference is coming up in Stockholm, Sweden, the 6th through the 16th of September. Early Bird tickets are now available and get a 10% discount on the conference when you use the code: FunctionalGeekery10 when registering.

Destination Code, a new unconference starting in Utah, is having its inaugural event this December. Visit to find out more.

CodeMesh is taking place the 3rd and 4th of November with tutorials on the 2nd of November. Tickets are available now, but they are going fast. Visit to register and submit your talk.

If you have a conference related to functional programming, contact me, and I will be happy to announce it.


About Elise
How Elise got into software development
“I decided to try and write a game in Haskell”
Game programming in Haskell
Elise’s self based research into concurrency across languages
Akka in Scala
Go and Continuation Passing Style
How Elise got interested into functional languages
Interest in learning Haskell
First impression of Clojure and Functional programming
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
“I found it [functional programming] much, much simpler”
Motivation of learning Haskell and writing a book about it
Overview of Elise’s book
QuickCheck and property based testing
Functional Reactive Programming
John Carmack on presentation Functional Programming
Thinking in networks of networks
Taking game experience back to business domains
Apache Kafka
How Elise’s Clojure has evolved
Benefit of moving back and forth between using Haskell and Clojure
What is on Elise’s radar
Apache Mesos
Game AI
“I encourage everyone to try to write a game in their favorite language”
Stephen Diehl’s What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell
Stephen Diehl’s Write You A Haskell
Haskell Programming from first principles by Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki

As always, a giant Thank You goes to David Belcher for the logo design.

Episode source