Go Time

The biggest job interview of GPT-4's life

Mat & Johnny interview everyone’s favorite LLM (Natalie with a special hat on) to see if it’d make a good hire as a Go dev. Also, Mat tries to turn it into his very own creepy robot by asking personal questions about his co-hosts. Things get weird. In a good way?

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Show Notes:

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!


(00:00) - It's Go Time!
(00:44) - The premise
(02:06) - Are you here to kill us?
(03:17) - What makes a good Go engineer?
(05:35) - How long have you been writing Go?
(05:54) - Resetting the conversation
(06:53) - An example of exception handling in Go
(09:14) - Using panics in Go?
(10:37) - What is variable shadowing?
(12:16) - What would this Go code print?
(15:00) - The snippet you provided has a problem
(17:00) - Why Go is the language of the future
(18:39) - Why is the Go community a strength?
(21:50) - Why is the Go community detrimental?
(25:41) - Sponsor: Changelog++
(26:37) - The disappearance of Golang Johnny
(31:50) - Where does Golang Johnny live?
(34:05) - A Rusty list of inferior languages
(35:02) - What is Golang Johnny's favorite drink?
(36:31) - Two questions from the chat
(39:43) - Who runs GopherCon EUROPE?
(41:21) - Asking questions about Natalie
(42:56) - Asking questions about Mat
(45:06) - It's time for Unpopular Opinions!
(46:04) - ChatGPT's unpop
(47:01) - Natalie's unpop
(50:40) - ChatGPT hallucinates some stuff
(55:14) - Discussing recent AI goings on
(59:18) - Mat & Johnny share their weaknesses
(1:02:13) - Using letters and words
(1:03:12) - Your first lesson in Haitian Creole
(1:04:42) - Gotta go, fellow kids
(1:05:54) - Next time on Go Time

Episode source