Greater Than Code

042: @CallbackWomen and Organizing Conferences for Diversity and Inclusion with Carina C. Zona

00:16 – Welcome to “Life, The Universe, and Podcasts!” …we mean, “Greater Than Code!”

01:13 – Carina’s Background and Superpower

02:58 – @CallbackWomen and The Naming Struggle to Make Sure Marginalized and Non-Binary People Know They Are Included

Ashe Dryden: Increasing Diversity at Your Conference

12:13 – Sending Signals and/or Indicators That Encourage People to Apply to Speak At Your Conference

23:10 – Conference Outreach

27:56 – Accessibility at Conferences

34:19 – Conferences “Competing” for Speakers

Call For Proposals (CFP)

40:26 – Financial Aid, Travel Stipends, and Reimbursement

49:05 – Making a Difference with @CallbackWomen and Codes of Conduct


Ashe Dryden: Codes of Conduct 101 + FAQ

Fund Club

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Jamey: Having travel and accommodation expenses covered is important for speakers.

Sam: Flipping the paradigm.

Coraline: Using influence to affect change.

Carina: Having speaker mentors: both experienced and newbies.

Rein: How conferences have evolved in a positive way around diversity and inclusion.

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Special Guest: Carina C. Zona.

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