Greater Than Code

053: BOOK CLUB! The Responsible Communication Style Guide

01:33 – Superpowers and Acquisition

02:50 – Reflective Listening

05:27 – The Responsible Communication Style Guide

11:54 – Asking Content-Related Questions

15:10 – Who is the target audience for this book?

17:45 – The Evolution of Writing the Book

19:39 – People-first Language

Kronda Adair: Five Stages of Unlearning Racism

23:40 – What if you get it wrong?


  1. Try to do good.
  2. Fuck it up.
  3. Apologize
  4. Try not to make the same mistake again.

That’s the job.

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29:40 – Fearing Shame

34:22 – Political Correctness and Language Evolution

44:11 – “Use with Caution” Words


Astrid: The less that something is happening the way I want it to, probably the less that I know.

Sam: Learning something from a joke!

Jamey: People who don’t want to learn new things are boring. Also, not being self-reflective.

Audrey: It’s amazing to pay people for their work.

Thursday: Pride for the contributors of this project.

The Recompiler: Year 3 Kickstarter

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Special Guests: Audrey Eschright and Thursday Bram.

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