02:41 – JF’s Superpower: Systems Thinking
06:58 – Robots and Elixir
Marvin Minsky's Society of Mind
Rodney Brooks -- Robots, AI, and other stuff
17:10 – Reapproaching Robotics, Predictive Processing, and Calibration of Attention
33:26 – Thinking and Talking About Object-Oriented Programming
43:51 – Intuition and Emergent Properties
54:02 – Unpacking Fractals
59:08 – The Ineffability of Smalltalk
Avdi: Trying not to do work, but sometimes finding ways to be pulled into doing work.
Sam: 1) Generating predictions and then correcting your model when those predictions turn out not to be confirmed by sensory data.
2) Object-Oriented Programming should be called Message-Oriented Programming.
3) Computer science as a field really wants to be math and the people who teach computer science want to be mathematicians.
Jessica: Smalltalk feeling like a cathedral where you can get a sense of the architectural beauty.
Eric Evans - Good Design is Imperfect Design
Jean-Francois: Aikido.
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Special Guest: Jean-Francois Cloutier.
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