Greater Than Code

197: Tips For New Developers with Dan Moore

02:13 - Dan’s Superpower: Ability to Keep Calm

07:11 - Maximizing Your Potential as a New Developer and Making a Good Impression

17:55 - What Makes a Senior Engineer?

42:51 - Solving Big Problems vs Small Problems

  • Getting People to Care
  • Group Accountability & Presenting Deliverables

50:39 - Creating an Organization Where People Can Thrive and Grow

  • Fostering a Culture of Help

53:17 - Letters To A New Developer

57:52 - Community and How They Help Developer Growth


Dan: Build your mental muscle around tradeoffs.

Jacob: Thinking about talking to junior developers.

Rein: The context we’re in when we’re thinking changes how we think.

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Special Guest: Dan Moore.

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