Greater Than Code

246: Digital Democracy and Indigenous Storytelling with Rudo Kemper

02:45 - Rudo’s Superpower: Being Pretty Good At Lots of Things!

13:14 - Digital Democracy & Terrastories

27:39 - Defining an “Earth Defender”

30:40 - Community Collaboration/Development Best Practices Without Overstepping Boundaries

  • Tech Literacy

35:52 - Getting Involved/Supporting This Work

45:03 - Experiences Working w/ These Projects

  • Anyone Can Contribute
  • Meeting Fellow Dreamers

47:33 - Oral Traditions & Storytelling: Preserving History


Jacob: Getting involved and connecting virtually.

Mandy: Register for Ruby For Good! Happening in-person this year from September 23-26 at the Shepherd's Spring Retreat, in Sharpsburg, Maryland!

Mae: Being able to adapt and learn as a superskill. Be proud of the things you can do.

Rudo: It’s inspiring to build community around software and the needs that it serves.

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Coming soon!

Special Guest: Rudo Kemper.

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