Greater Than Code

260: Fixing Broken Tech Interviews with Ian Douglas

01:01 - Ian’s Superpower: Curiosity & Life-Long Learning

  • Discovering Computers
  • Sharing Knowledge

06:27 - Streaming and Mentorship: Becoming “The Career Development Guy”

12:01 - Tech Interviews (Are Broken)

16:43 - How do I even get a first job in the tech industry?

  • Tech Careers = Like Choose Your Own Adventure Book
  • Highlight What You Have: YOU ARE
  • Apply Anyway

24:25 - Interview Processes Don’t Align with Skills Needed

35:06 - Fixing Tech Interviews: Overhauling the Process

  • Idea: “Open Source Hiring Manifesto” Initiative
  • Analyzing Interviewing Experiences; Collect Antipatterns
  • Community/Candidate Input
  • Company Feedback (Stop Ghosting! Build Trust!)
  • Language Mapping


Mandy: Peoples’ tech journeys are like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. Keep acquiring skills over life-long learning.

Arty: The importance of 1-on-1 genuine connections. Real change happens in the context of a relationship.

Ian: Having these discussions, collaborating, and saying, “what if?”

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Special Guest: Ian Douglas.

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