
A Talk with Pratham, A Python & ML Developer also an Influencer on Twitter Tech Space.

In this episode, we talk with Pratham, who is a Python & ML Developer rocking it in the twitter Tech space by promoting and twitting about machine learning, and math, by creating tweets that are simple for everyone to understand. 

He is in Highschool and also taking an internship program at AICrowd, working on documentation regarding machine learning. He joins us to share his story, his journey how he began, and what really aspired him into becoming a developer. He also shares secrets about how he managed to pull such a greater audience on Twitter in under one year. 

Tune in and listen to his story hope you leave inspired by his story. ❤

Follow him on Twitter @PrasoonPratham 

Connect with me:

Twitter: @larymak1 

LinkedIn: larymak 

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