Modern Web

S08E03 Modern Web Podcast - Black Tech Pros Talk Work Life, Conflicts, & Experiences

This week, we have guest host, Morgan Worrell, leading a conversation with fellow devs Dillion Megida and Adesoji David, along with tech sales rep for This Dot Labs, Darron Smith. They talk about their work-life preferences, both as This Dot Labs employees and in previous roles, plus share some about the experiences they've had as black technologists in the US and in Nigeria.



Morgan Worrell (@morganistic_) - Senior Software Engineer, This Dot Labs



Dillion Megida (@iamdillion) - Software Engineer, This Dot Labs

Adesoji David (@temitopedavid_) - Software Engineer, This Dot Labs

Darron Smith (@Darron_ThisDot) - Sales Representative, This Dot Labs


This episode is sponsored by This Dot Labs

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