Modern Web

S08E08 Modern Web Podcast - Fireside Chat with Ionic Core Team - Adam Bradley & Liam DeBeasi

The Ionic core team has been on fire the past year! With the release of Ionic Vue and Ionic React, the traction of Ionic adoption has been explosive in the past 12 months.

In this episode, Tracy Lee (@ladyleet) interviews Adam Bradley and Liam DeBeasi, core team members of the Ionic Framework, on what Ionic is, how it works under the hood, and why and when to choose Ionic as a technology of choice.

We also discuss what it means to be using web components under the hood with Stencil.js and how that helps enable the Ionic team to provide a more stable framework.

Liam and Adam even slip us a few hints as to what to expect with Ionic V6 and how you can get more involved in their community.



Adam Bradley (@adamdbradley) - Director of Open Source Development, Ionic

Liam DeBeasi (@LiamDeBeasi) - Software Engineer, Ionic



Tracy Lee (@ladyleet) - CEO, This Dot Labs 


This episode is sponsored by Progress KendoReact & This Dot Labs

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