Modern Web

S09E01 Modern Web Podcast - Partytown with Adam Bradley

In this episode, Rob Ocel (@robocell) sits down with Adam Bradley (@adamdbradley), Director of Technology at, co-creator of Ionic, and creator of Stencil! They talk about the web performance challenges related to loading and using third party scripts (such as those for Google Analytics), and they discuss Partytown, a new, lightweight library created by Adam and his team to move these scripts off the blocking path and into web workers. They discuss how Partytown accomplishes this feat, what performance benefits this type of approach offers, and why this new library has the whole development community buzzing with excitement!



Adam Bradley (@adamdbradley) - Director of Technology, & QwikDev, Co-creator of Ionic, & Creator of Stencil


Host: Rob Ocel (@robocell) - Architect, This Dot Labs


This episode is sponsored by This Dot Labs

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