OK Productive

021. Staying Organized with Idea Management

  • A little about Jonathan Baillie Strong and how he met Leo
  • Jonathan's best practices for attending a conference
  • Jonathan's daily work
Inbox management
  • How Jonathan got interested in inbox management
  • His general system for inbox management and how it relates to GTD
  • How often Jonathan grooms his inbox
  • The most obvious benefits to his inbox management approach
  • Where does Jonathan put his ideas
  • His system for keeping them organized
  • How often you should revisit ideas and explore them more deeply
  • How to consider which ideas are worth pursuing further, which should get tossed, and which need to sit for a while longer
The One-Touch approach
  • Basic concepts:
    • Touch each email only once
    • When you touch an email, do one of the following:
      • Send it to your calendar
      • Create a to-do task
      • Make a note of the idea
      • Put it in a Read It Later app
  • Keeping email in your inbox is like looking at mail and putting it back in your mailbox
  • How to decide where to send an idea
  • Ideas to keep evolving your own idea management system
Jonathan's app recommendations
  • Things is a highly-streamlined, highly-recommended task manager
  • Gestimer for daily reminders
  • Numi is a beautiful calculator app
  • Extensity is a Chrome extension for managing Chrome extensions
  • Cisco Spark meeting notes, sadly discontinued on May 31, 2019 😭
  • Video speed controller is a Chrome extension for playing videos faster or slower
  • Autohotkey is a great hotkey automation tool for Windows
  • Keyboard Maestro is a hotkey automation tool for Macs
  • Focusmate helps you focus by pairing you with virtual coworking partners
  • FIP Radio for listening to chill French music online
  • Snagit for better screenshots (bonus trivia: it's made in OK Productive's neighborhood!)
  • for finding podcasts
  • is a great, free podcast app
More apps and related linksWhere to find Jonathan Baillie Strong

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