Favorite Part of PagerDuty Summit
Lilia describes her favorite aspects of PagerDuty Summit.
Lilla: “The product keynote! It includes a poem from Rachel [Rachel Obstler, VP of Product Management] as well as a demo that she has been helping with for the past several years. It’s incredible to see all of the new exciting stuff that we’ve been working on all year make it to the big, now-virtual, screen.”
What Listeners Should Tune In For
Lilia discusses recommended talks and content at PagerDuty Summit - hint there’s a lot!
Lilia: “Don’t miss the product keynote! There are also some super exciting product break out sessions. I would strongly recommend going to Paul Rechsteiner’s session “PagerDuty Like a Pro: New Features for Responders” and Erick Dean’s session “Zen your life with Event Intelligence” – there are so many new things these two will be announcing that I don’t even know them all.”
First Time Summit Attendees
Lilia talks about how to navigate Summit as a first timer.
Lilia: Don’t miss the fireside chat with Eric Yuan from Zoom – he’s an incredibly authentic speaker, and I always feel like I’ve learned from his perspective when I hear him think out loud. Take advantage of the PDU classes – the Incident Commander training changed my life several years ago – and now not only am I an Incident Commander, but I’ve also trained a whole group of new folks at PD to be Incident Commanders, and I am so much more decisive in my everyday life.”
What Do You Wish You’d Known Earlier in Your Career?
Lilia discusses how she worked at companies who were PagerDuty customers for years before starting at PagerDuty. Something she really appreciated is the Incident Command structure. At those prior companies, she said she felt mostly that whenever there was a serious issue, she mainly felt unable to help take corrective action as that was left to the developers and operations teams. With PagerDuty’s Incident Command structure, non-engineering teams help resolve the process by taking off load that corresponds to their skillset, e.g. by sending communications, writing up reports, etc.
What Are You Glad We Didn’t Ask?
Lilia explains that her first event intelligence product release was very anxiety inducing. Ultimately successful, but the scope of potential impact for the two weeks leading to release were nerve wracking.
Additional Resources
- PagerDuty Home Page
- PagerDuty Summit
- PagerDuty University
- Episode transcribed by Rev