PnP Weekly

Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly – Episode 221 – Sarah Haase

In this episode of the weekly discussion revolving around the latest news and topics on Microsoft 365, host – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) and Waldek Mastykarz (Microsoft) | @waldekm are joined by Sarah Haase, Principal Product Manager, U.S. Bank.
In this episode
- Folders or metadata? - The importance of data classification to support findability - How culture influences collaboration and adoption - Innovation games - Viva Engage as a vehicle to drive traffic to organizational information - How to reason over the different tools on Microsoft 365? - Can you force adoption? - How to drive adoption at scale?   This session was recorded on Tuesday 3rd of October and Friday 6th of October. Session was published on 10th of October, 2023.   Got feedback or questions? Don't hesitate to contact 👋  


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