In this weekly discussion of latest news and topics around Microsoft 365, hosts – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft), Waldek Mastykarz (Rencore), are joined by this week are 2 members of the PnP Team and MVPs - Paolo Pialorsi, Consultant and owner PiaSys, Brescia, Italy, and David Warner, Principal Consultant with Catapult Systems, Los Angeles, US. The discussion topic for the day: How does the PnP team get so much done? It seems like we do a lot because our work in done in the open. Yes, sharing with the PnP Community is indeed a conscious priority after family. Discussion takeaways: Caring requires contributors to be consistent, to communicate, to be good time managers, to not be self-critical or perfectionists, to be willing to distribute the load, and to find ways to share in a way that benefits your employer, your client and your community at the same time. “Shipped is better than perfect”, and any size contribution is a welcome contribution. Sharing is caring. Additionally, in this episode, 15 recently released articles from Microsoft and the PnP Community are highlighted.
As always, if you need help on an issue, want to share a discovery, or just want to say: “Job well done”, please reach out to Vesa, to Waldek or to your PnP Community.
This episode was recorded on Monday, June 8, 2020.
These videos and podcasts are published each week and are intended to be roughly 45 minutes in length, but often extend to 60 minutes. Please do give us feedback on this video and podcast series and also do let us know if you have done something cool/useful so that we can cover that in the next weekly summary! The easiest way to let us know is to share your work on Twitter and add the hashtag #PnPWeekly (or older #SPDevWeekly). We are always on the lookout for refreshingly new content. “Sharing is caring!”
Here are all the links and people mentioned in this recording. Thanks, everyone for your contributions to the community!
Microsoft articles:
- SharePoint Roadmap Pitstop: May 2020 - Mark Kashman (Microsoft) | @mkashman
- New SharePoint feature: Multilingual publishing for pages and news posts – DC Padur (Microsoft) | @dcpadur
- What’s New in Microsoft Teams | May 2020 – Microsoft Teams
- A Lap around Microsoft Graph Toolkit Day 8 – Microsoft Graph Toolkit Recap at Build 2020 & What’s in Season 2 – Beth Pan (Microsoft) | @beth_panx
Community articles:
- Office 365 CLI v2.10 – Microsoft 365 PnP Team
- Testing user preferred language of SharePoint site with PnP PowerShell – Paul Bullock (Capa Creative) | @pkbullock
- Tip: for customizing on Modern Site shared with B2B guests, use SPFx and not PowerApps – William van Strien (ASML) | @wvstrien
- Deploying SPFx using Office 365 cli, custom AAD App and Azure Pipelines – Anatoly Mironov (Bool by Sigma) | @mirontoli
- How To Create/ Generate QRcode In SPFx Web Part - Harsha Vardhini (Split~Vision) | @harshagracy
- Modern SharePoint Page Breadcrumbs Fix – Bo George (ThreeWill) | @bo_george
- Setup WSL2 for SPFx development – Joel Rodrigues (Storm Technology) | @JoelFMRodrigues
- Better Sharing is Better Caring – Knowledge Sharing for Developers – Mike Homol (ThreeWill) | @homol
- SharePoint Framework, webpack 4 and tree shaking – Sergei Sergeev (Mastaq) | @sergeev_srg
- Being inclusive across Microsoft 365 – Joanne Klein | @JoanneCKlein
- Sharing is Caring initiatives – David Warner (Catapult Systems) | @DavidWarnerII & Hugo Bernier (Tahoe Ninjas) | @bernierh
If you’d like to hear from a specific community member in an upcoming recording and/or have specific questions to SharePoint/Microsoft 365 engineering or visitors – please let us know. We will do our best to address your requests or questions.
"Sharing is caring!"
SharePoint Team, Microsoft - 9th of June 2020