This week we sit down with Chris Toomey and address all the holy wars: Elm vs React, TypeScript vs JavaScript, product vs development, and even VS Code vs Vim.
This is a pragmatic look at how type systems can improve the way you build and talk about product. In the right hands — these tools can make teamwork a dream. But in the wrong hands, well... Let's just listen close and make sure your hands are the right ones.
- thoughtbot — thoughtbot is a design and development consultancy that brings your digital product ideas to life
- Giant Robots — A podcast about the design, development, and business of great software
- UPCASE by thoughtbot — Become an experienced developer and take "junior" out of your title
- bikeshed — On The Bike Shed, hosts Chris Toomey & Steph Viccari discuss their development experience and challenges at thoughtbot with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and whatever else is drawing their attention, admiration, or ire this week
- GraphQL
- TypeScript
- Elm
- TypeScript + React TALK at Boston React 2019
- Building Web Apps with Elm — Craft a reactive Elm web app from start to finish
- Chris Toomey: React & GraphQL – Bringing Simplicity to Client Side Development — React Boston 2018
- GraphQL: Bringing Simplicity And Correctness To A Client Near You (Chris Toomey) — GraphQL Summit 2018
- Language Server Extension Guide
- neovim
- onivim
- 204: I Don't Like Rest —
- 206: No-One Wants to be the Canary — Chris on GraphQL and designing endpoints vs exposing types
- 58: Eve Porcello on Learning GraphQL
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