Rewire with Susan

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

0:26 - Welcome, Tolu and Stephen!!

0:52 - About Tolu

1:17 - About Stephen

2:04 -  What is Imposter Syndrome?

2:31 - Tolu's first encounter with Imposter Syndrome in tech

4:12 -  Stephen's experience with Imposter syndrome in tech

7:31 - Signs that make you identify  that you have imposter syndrome

13:41 - Different perceived expressions of the imposter syndrome 

19:12 - How can you deal with imposter syndrome?

27:31 - Tolu's interest in Krav Maga

29:58 - Stephen's "passion" for Massage therapy

36:55 - A word of advice!

You can find Tolu here and Stephen here

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