Software Engineering Daily

OPYN: DeFi Options Trading with Aparna Krishnan

A ‘token’ can represent almost anything in Ethereum, according to Lottery tickets, points in an online platform, fiat currency, and much more. These tokens must follow a standard called ECR-20 to have the same type and value of any other token, and behave just like the ETH.  

The platform Opyn lets users buy and trade decentralized finance (DeFi) options on ETH and ECR20s. “Options” represent underlying assets with predefined (strike) prices and expiry dates that can be bought and sold. Opyn provides options protocols through smart contracts that are powerful and capital efficient. Using options helps secure against volatility and flash crashes, typically have lower margin requirements, can yield interest bearing collateral, and are noncustodial with Opyn. 

In this episode we speak with Aparna Krishnan, a co-founder of Opyn. We discuss options trading and how it differs from trading pure cryptocurrencies, developing and using smart contracts to define DeFi protocols, and the unique benefits of using Opyn for options trading.

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