Encryption algorithms provide the means to secure and transfer sensitive information by taking input and transforming it into an unreadable output. Usually a special key, or multiple keys, are needed to unscramble the information back to the original input. These algorithms power the security of everything from our cell phone lock screens to Fortune 500 company servers.
The company Skiff is protecting data privacy with their first product, the only end-to-end encrypted document collaboration platform with password protected folders, expiring links, and secure workplaces. Skiff’s document platform has all the traditional features of a typical document editor, making it feel familiar and comfortable. Their end-to-end encryption and built-in password protection are 2 of several methods that make collaborating on documents more safe and within user control than on any other platform.
In this episode we talk with Andrew Milich, CEO of Skiff. Andrew was previously an associate product manager at Schmidt Futures. We discuss data privacy and security, the Skiff document collaboration platform, and potential future security products.
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