Semaphore Uncut

Crossing the Enterprise Chasm with Michael Grinich

In this episode of Semaphore Uncut, I talk to Michael Grinich, founder and CEO for WorkOS. We chat about how software companies fall foul of the 'Enterprise Chasm', and how WorkOS helps them cross it. We also learn about the engineering approach that the WorkOS team takes to maintain the reliability of their service, which is critical to their users.

Key takeaways:

  • How to cross the 'Enterprise Chasm'
  • WorkOS enables focus on core product experience
  • WorkOS unifies a fragmented space
  • Building an infrastructure SaaS takes rigour
  • Dependency on 'black box' APIs requires constant health monitoring
  • Build personal connections as well as data connections
  • CI/CD enables a fast bug response loop
  • Maintenance of critical infrastructure needs a special approach
  • What's next for WorkOS

About Semaphore Uncut
In each episode of Semaphore Uncut, we invite software industry professionals to discuss the impact they are making and what excites them about the emerging technologies.

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